Distinguished Graduates in Crypto and Fintech Unveil $60M Oak Grove Ventures Fund

On September 19th, Oak Grove Ventures marked a momentous leap into the realm of venture capital with the unveiling of an impressive $60 million fund. This substantial investment vehicle has been meticulously crafted to hone in on cutting-edge technologies, with a particularly sharp focus on artificial intelligence (AI), Web3, and biotechnology.

At the helm of Oak Grove Ventures stands a team of accomplished professionals, many of whom have honed their skills in renowned crypto and fintech enterprises, boasting extensive industry expertise.

Leveraging their past roles as thought leaders, this assembly of experts positions Oak Grove’s venture capital members as invaluable strategic partners across an array of domains, encompassing financing, strategy, technology, operations, and beyond.

Among the stellar line-up of Oak Grove Ventures’ team members, one finds luminaries such as Shawn Shi, co-founder of Alchemy Pay; Ethan W, the former technical lead of Libra; Sally Wanga, the former VP of Ryze Labs (formerly Sino Global); Zac Pan, the former assistant partner of Lightspeed China; and Michael Li, a technical advisor and former VP of Coinbase, among other illustrious names.

Before venturing into the realm of venture capital, Oak Grove Ventures had established itself as a prominent family office, proudly touting a track record of successful early-stage investments.

Over the years, they have lent their support to over 30 projects, with standout investments including visionary ventures like the aerospace manufacturer and Neuralink, both founded by the pioneering Elon Musk.

Furthermore, their portfolio boasts prominent players in the Web3 arena, including Gemini, OpenSea, ConsenSys, and Animoca, as highlighted in the company’s official press release.

Sally Wang, the co-founder of Oak Grove Ventures Fund, aptly summarized their vision, stating:

“We recognize that the path to pioneering breakthrough technologies extends beyond mere capital infusion. It is about nurturing a community of visionaries, trailblazers, and founders who share our unyielding dedication to innovation. With this fund, our strategy is elegantly simple yet profoundly impactful: we exist to empower and financially support these visionary founders on their remarkable journeys.”

Ongoing Market Volatility Underscores Continued Support for Crypto and Blockchain via Recent Funding Initiatives

The recently established $60 million fund by Oak Grove Ventures stands as a resounding testament to their unwavering commitment to the crypto and blockchain startup landscape, even amidst recent market fluctuations.

This significant development comes hot on the heels of Blockchain Capital’s triumphant achievement, raising an astounding $580 million across two pioneering funds.

The first, a robust $380 million early-stage fund, is poised to focus its resources on emerging companies and protocols in the pre-seed and Series A funding stages. It follows the footsteps of the firm’s fifth early-stage fund, valued at $300 million and launched in June 2021.

The second fund, a formidable $200 million opportunities fund, sets its sights on late-stage investments starting from Series B and beyond, offering access to enterprises with substantial prior backing.

These allocations will strategically target six critical sectors: decentralized finance, centralized finance, centralized infrastructure, decentralized infrastructure, gaming, and consumer/social technologies.

These launches are particularly remarkable given the hurdles that the digital asset market has confronted over the past year.

Nevertheless, Blockchain Capital has remarkably garnered support from venerable institutions such as Visa and PayPal, securing investments from prestigious entities like university endowments and sovereign wealth funds.

In addition to these developments, yesterday witnessed Japan’s premier investment bank, Nomura, unveiling its groundbreaking Bitcoin Adoption Fund through its crypto subsidiary, Laser Digital. The initiative’s primary objective is to provide institutional investors with a streamlined and secure entry into the rapidly evolving digital asset sphere, positioning itself as a cost-effective and reliable investment solution.


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