Haun Ventures Spearheads $10 Million Seed Round for Argus, a Web3 Gaming Studio

Web3 gaming studio Argus has secured a $10 million seed round, with Haun Ventures leading the investment. Other participants in the round include Robot Ventures, Anagram, Dispersion Capital, Alchemy (a Web3 developer backend), and individual investors such as former Coinbase CTO Balaji Srinivasan.

As part of the announcement, Argus is introducing the World Engine, a software developer kit (SDK) for blockchain gaming. This SDK empowers builders to create their own Web3 gaming ecosystems. Argus CEO Scott Sunarto explained that the company’s goal is not only to establish blockchain infrastructure to support emerging Web3 games but also to assist developers in realizing their visions.

Sunarto drew a parallel to the early days of computer games, where developers had to build their own game engines. Similarly, he believes the current state of crypto gaming requires the ability to push boundaries and develop groundbreaking applications. Argus functions as both an engine infrastructure team and an in-house content game studio.

The funding secured in this round will be utilized by Argus to expand its team, enhance its studio, and bolster its tooling infrastructure. Haun Ventures investor Breck Stodghill referred to Sunarto as a “missionary” in driving growth within the Web3 gaming space. Stodghill believes that by combining the power of games and crypto, exciting new games can emerge, benefiting players.

Following a period of decreased investment in the Web3 industry, funding rounds for blockchain-based games have started to regain momentum. Notably, in March, a16z, a crypto investment firm, led a $40 million investment round for gaming studio CCP Games to support its expansion into Web3. In February, the firm also led a $25 million Series A investment in Here Not There, a Web3 gamified-social protocol.


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