Lightspeed Faction Launches $285 Million Fund to Support Early-Stage Crypto Initiatives

Lightspeed Faction boldly announced the introduction of a $285 million fund exclusively dedicated to fueling the growth of early-stage blockchain projects within the crypto startup landscape. The firm’s unwavering commitment is underscored by its pledge to provide crucial capital support for these initiatives.

Boasting a powerhouse team of seasoned blockchain investors and operators, including key figures from the Amber Group,, and Coinbase teams, Lightspeed Faction positions itself as a force to be reckoned with in the crypto investment space. This joint venture seamlessly merges the prowess of the traditional tech-focused Lightspeed Venture Partners with the specialized expertise of the crypto-exclusive Faction fund, creating a dynamic synergy aimed at maximizing success.

Banafsheh Fathieh, co-founder of Lightspeed Faction, articulates the fund’s vital role in supporting the influx of promising blockchain projects, emphasizing their dedication to investing in entrepreneurs who are at the forefront of propelling blockchain technology to new heights:

“Crypto is a generation-defining technology, and we are fully committed to investing behind the best entrepreneurs looking to propel blockchain technology forward. The blockchain ecosystem is full of promising projects looking to disrupt everything from financial systems to telecommunication.”

The announcement strategically highlights Lightspeed Faction’s track record of success in funding various blockchain startups, even during the challenging bear market. Notable beneficiaries include Crossmint, Lens,,, Matter Labs, and others, with the firm typically engaging during seed and Series A rounds.

In the face of a temporary downturn in crypto venture capital funding, attributed to factors like low crypto prices and decreased media attention compared to the bullish trend in 2021, Lightspeed Faction’s bold initiative stands as a testament to ongoing confidence in the potential of select projects. This move signals that, despite reduced funding levels in the broader market, certain ventures continue to attract substantial investments, showcasing resilience and optimism within the crypto investment landscape.


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